"La Gata" (She) is being taken to the truck |
"She" is leaving for ever... |
At least we manage to find the best one in Chile; did all the paperwork, the help and asistance of SAG (Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero), and the acceptance in the National Zoo (Metropolitan Park) in Santiago de Chile.
What we learned and what we must teach:
Never take a creature from their natural habitat. If they are cubs, don't take them.. Their parents will come soon, and they are the only ones who knows how to deal with them.
Just in a very justified situation, mandated by specialists and/or an authority, it may be possible to do so.
Let wild animals live free, at least they are struggling to survive in this planet that humans are transforming into a filthy jail. At the end, all of us are in the same place, lets be brethren and fight for a better earth.