Monday, 21 May 2007

Growing well in their new cage

Thanks to the labour of Ca. 15 volunteers and construction materials donated by Xstrata Copper, male and female Pumas are growing well and safe. In a very clean environment and semi-isolated from human presense, the pumas have reached 13.5 kg (male) and 12.8 kg (female) in May 20st. There are scientific interest to understand their genetic origin, since the Northern Chile area is the boundary of at least three subspecies. Soon a small sample will be taken to run DNA analisys with cooperation from researchers from Universidad de Concepcion. Also during the growing period, several studies on existence metabolism will be carried out based on energy density of food and feces. The study look for increase understanding of energy costs of rearing pumas, following their behavior recorded on video, in order to assess their time/activity budget.

We are looking for information concerning vaccination, so if you have a suggestion, please contact us to:

Later we will be working on a proposal to reintroduce the pumas into their habitat in the Andes Mountains of the Atacama. We are looking for institutions and researchers and/or conservationists who want to join us in such challenge. Send an e-mail to Carlos Guerra-Correa Ph.D. to the same address indicated above.

Monday, 19 March 2007

Two small PUMAS from the Andes of Atacama Desert

Two Baby Pumas (Puma concolor) where rescued by a mining worker at Puquios, located Ca 4000 m above sea level, near Ollague (border Chile-Bolivia). The man took the "pumitas" with him to Calama city and soon realised that the small cats were dificult to maintain and decided to take them to Antofagasta city and ask the Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre of the University of Antofagasta to receive them.

Since ending December 2006 we have been working very hard with this two creatures. They developed a negative reaction to milk and became dehydrated and fall in comma. Thanks to MV Andres Valenzuela that voluntarely assisted, the Pumas were recovered. Two more episodes again imposed difficulties and challenges to continue rearing the pumas, without milk, only meat and soup, plus polyvitamin, Taurina and Calcium.

Three months of hard work allow them to grow safe and healthy. They are around 90 - 100 days old and weight 7 kg. Behave very aggressive (good wild genes) whem feeding and play a lot as they are chazing. Female is more advanced on chazing techniques practicing with the male on how to capture, immobilise with arms and claws and bite the neck of the buddy victim.

We need to build a large cage in order to let them grow until they may start preparing to be released in the Andes. Fortunately Xstrata mining Co. donate Ca US$2.500 to buy materials for the cage. The next challenge will be to obtain funds to feed them and for Veterinary additionals and attendance. We will see...

Want to be part of this?

give us a call or drop us a mail.

Adopt an Atacamenean Puma and enjoy being part of the wild fauna Centre efforts to maintain precious biodiversity of the Atacama Desert Andes and Ocean.

Saturday, 17 February 2007

Atacama Desert Wild Fauna Rescue and Rehabilitation Center


The day penguins were released.
Many people worked very hard for more than two years to rehabilitate 3 penguins: Eider (survivor from an oil spill), Plumón (Down), and the Little one (el Pequeño).

People from the Wild Animals Rescue and Rehabilitation Group (GRRAS) enjoy the crucial moment when the fruit of their sacrifice is achieved. Penguins look that they don't believe it. ..does exist this kind of people in the world??

With doubt but decided to reencounter freedom, the 3 penguins walked over the kelp carpet to the ocean.

Two of them turn around and give the last look and say bye to the GRRAS volunteers. The other (el pequeño: the Little) look to the ocean...Am I dreaming?

Want to be part of this? drop us a mail: or


Finally the Group and Friends of the released penguins.

We wish to thanks Minera Escondida Ltd., Altonorte Ltd., Search Ltd., Galeb Fishery Company, People of Antofagasta, The Media Press, and Servicio Nacional de Pesca (National Fishery Service) for their support, facilities and coordination for the success on the rehabilitation and back-to-freedom of these three cute penguins.